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Tax Tip: Benefits of filing a return even if you have no income to report
TurboTax Canada
October 26, 2020 | 1 Min Read

Many people believe that there is no benefit to filing a tax return if there is no income to report. However, there are actually several benefits available to those who file zero income tax returns:
- The Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST Credit) is one such example. If you are eligible, then the benefit will automatically be applied to your tax return.
- The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is another example that provides tax-free monthly payments to parents or guardians of children. The CCB might include the Child Disability Benefit and any related provincial and territorial programs.
- Some additional provincial credits may be available, as well, such as the Ontario Trillium Benefit, which can issue you monthly money based on your tax return.
- If you attended school and have eligible tuition fees, you must file a tax return in order to claim the credits, even if you are not using them. You might not need to use the credits this year, but in order to carry forward or transfer them, they must be reported on your current year tax return.
You have a simple return, so why not try filing for free with TurboTax Online Free, a no-charge edition of our software? Or, you can start your return using Free, and if you feel the need for additional assistance, you can upgrade to any of our paid editions or even get Live help from an expert. But don’t worry, while using the online version of the software when you choose to upgrade, your information is instantly carried over so you can pick up right where you left off. Check out the full lineup of TurboTax products here.
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