Filing a Quebec return? CO-17, the Quebec equivalent to the T2 return is not available.
TurboTax Business Incorporated
DOWNLOAD VERSION - WINDOWS ONLYFor incorporated businesses with T2 returnsAnswer questions about your business and get in-product guidance with government-approved forms, business expenses, and much more.
File a tax return for your incorporated business easily.
File your T2 returns
Answer questions about your business and get expert guidance with government-approved forms, business expenses, and much more.
File online for free
No need to print and mail forms - get free access to Corporation Internet Filing and immediate CRA confirmation that your return has been received.
Designed to handle every kind of incorporated business tax return:
Filing of S34, T661 and T49 is not supported
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Questions and Answers
TurboTax Business Incorporated is the right choice for anyone who needs to prepare a T2 Corporate return for your incorporated business. People with unincorporated businesses report their business income on their personal (T1) return, for whom our TurboTax Self-Employed edition is ideal.
CO-17, the Quebec equivalent to the T2 return may be filed by ProFile and is not supported by our TurboTax Business Incorporated product.
Corporations with revenue under $1 million may use Netfile to file their taxes. However, in Alberta, AT1 filing in excess of $1 million must be done by Netfile, and this amount is not supported by our TurboTax Business Incorporated product.
Operating Systems:
- Windows 10 or later. (Windows 7, 8 & 8.1 not supported).
- 1024 X 768 minimum resolution
- 16-bit or higher colour
- Windows-compatible soundcard and speakers or headphones to play multimedia
Internet Browser:
- Internet Explorer 11.0 or greater
- 1 Ghz or faster
CD Drive:
- CD-ROM drive required for CD installation or TurboTax can be downloaded (instructions inside)
Third Party Software:
- Adobe Reader 10 or higher (or compatible PDF reader)
- Windows-compatible printer
- 1 GB RAM or more
Hard Disk Space:
- 2GB free hard drive space
- If Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.5.2 is not installed already, you need additional hard disk space:
- For 32-bit Windows: 850 MB
- For 64-bit Windows: 2GB
Internet Connection:
- 56 Kbps or higher (Broadband connection recommended)
- TurboTax may be installed on one computer and must be activated via Internet prior to first use.