Prince Edward Island income tax calculator 2023
Get a quick, free estimate of your 2023 income tax refund or taxes owed using our income tax calculator. Plus, explore Canadian and provincial income tax FAQ and resources from TurboTax.
All set to file your taxes? We’ve got your back.
2023 Prince Edward Island provincial and federal income tax brackets
Here are the tax brackets for Prince Edward Island and Canada based on your taxable income.
Canadian tax basics
Whether you’re a first-time filer or need a refresher, use these videos to
learn more about filing your Canadian income tax return.
Tax Basics: How Taxes Work in Canada
So how exactly do taxes work in Canada?
This video explores the Canadian tax system and covers everything from what a tax bracket...
Frequently asked questions
Prince Edward Island’s most popular tax credits and deductions include:
Anytime you invest your money into something that increases in value, such as stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or real estate, that increase is considered a capital gain.
Your capital gains will only be realized and taxable when you cash in your investment. Only 50% of your realized capital gains are taxed at a marginal rate based on your province of residence.
In Prince Edward Island, your capital gains are taxed according to the combined marginal capital gains tax rates below:
2023 taxable income | PEI marginal capital gains tax rate |
first $31,984 | 12.40% |
over $31,984 up to $53,359 | 14.40% |
over $53,359 up to $63,969 | 17.15% |
over $63,969 up to $100,664 | 18.60% |
over $100,664 up to $106,717 | 19.44% |
over $106,717 up to $165,430 | 22.19% |
over $165,430 up to $235,675 | 23.85% |
over $235,675 | 25.69% |
The tax rates in Prince Edward Island range from 9.65% to 18.75% of income and the combined federal and provincial tax rate is between 24.8% and 51.37%.
Prince Edward Island’s marginal tax rate increases as your income increases so you pay higher taxes on the level of income that falls into a higher tax bracket.
Learn more about PEI’s marginal tax rate
There is no provincial carbon tax rebate program in Prince Edward Island. Most carbon tax proceeds go towards provincial initiatives.
Learn more about PEI’s carbon levy
The amount of tax your employer deducts from your paycheque varies based on where you fall inside the federal and Prince Edward Island tax brackets.
Federal income tax rates in 2023 range from 15% to 33%. Prince Edward Island income tax rates in 2023 range from 9.65% to 18.75%.
The amount of income tax that was deducted from your paycheque appears in Box 22 of your T4 slip.
Learn more about income tax withholding
The deadline to file your 2023 income tax return in 2024 is midnight on April 30. If you’re self-employed, your tax return is due on June 17, 2024, since June 15 falls on a Saturday.
Learn more about tax deadlines
It can take 2 to 3 weeks to receive a refund when you transmit your return via NETFILE. For mailed returns, refunds are mailed out in 4 to 6 weeks following receipt of the return by the CRA or the Revenu Quebec.
Learn more about tax refunds
If you have to pay income taxes to the CRA, you can do so online through the CRA’s My Payment online portal. Pay by setting up a pre-authorized debit agreement using CRA My Account or through a third-party service provider with credit card, e-transfer, or PayPal.
Learn more about paying your taxes online
If you’re a resident of Canada for any part of the year and are earning income, whether that’s employment, self-employment, investment or other income, you're subject to Canadian income tax. There are no exemptions for age or occupation.
Learn more about who’s required to file an income tax return
The CRA requires that you retain your records for a minimum of 6 years, by law.
You can ask to amend your tax return for up to the previous 10 years, so it’s a good idea to maintain your records for that long.
Learn more about maintaining your income tax records
Income tax tips from the TurboTax Hub
Ever wonder what those lines on your tax return mean?
These tips will help you understand what to include when you file.
Free tax checklist
Get organized for tax season with everything you need to file your taxes with ease.