2023 TurboTax® Canada Tips

How do Changes in your Personal Life Impact your Taxes?

Susan Watkin
November 6, 2021 | 3 Min Read
Updated for tax year 2023

Are you working on your taxes and find that your balance owing, or refund, is not what you were expecting?  This is because your tax situation depends just as much on what has changed in your life, as it does on the changes to tax codes and rules.  For example, a credit you never used to be able to get, or even one you did, may or may not be available to you now because your personal situation is different than what it was last year. With TurboTax Live we have live tax experts in your corner making sure that you get all the credits and deductions you deserve.

So what changed for you last year that might explain why things are different this year?  Here are some of the main reasons why as a taxpayer, you might see changes in your return, year over year.

Significant Personal Life Changes

Marital Status: 

Job Changes: if you retired, got a big promotion, or lost your job, your employment income amount may have changed significantly.

Health Changes: your health or the health of someone you care for might result in an increased need for medical care or even disability support.

Education: did you, or your child, head off to post-secondary school last year?  If so, the federal tuition credit will now be something to help you lower your taxes owing.  If your child does not require their full deduction, they can transfer up to $5,000 of it to you (make sure they go online and get their T2202A form from the school).  Also, depending on the province you live in, you may be entitled to other education credits for the provincial portion of your taxes.

Children & Child Care: did you have or adopt a child last year?  Congratulations, what an exciting and busy time!

Relocation: did your job promotion or university education require you to move?  If you moved to be at least 40 kms closer to your new job or school, you may be eligible to claim your moving expenses.

All of these changes can seem a little confusing or daunting to deal with, but with the right information ahead of time, you can still navigate the tax waters to file your return with TurboTax.

However, if you feel a bit overwhelmed, consider TurboTax Live Assist & Review and get unlimited help and advice as you do your taxes, plus a final review before you file.  Or, choose TurboTax Live Full Service and have one of our tax experts do you return from start to finish. *TurboTax Live™ Full Service is not available in Quebec

For more information, browse our Community site for FAQs related to this topic.

Tuition and Education


Spouse or Common-law partner amount


Eligible Dependant


Disability Tax Credit Transfer