2023 TurboTax® Canada Tips

How to Change Your Name after You Get Married

TurboTax Canada
September 8, 2012 | 2 Min Read

Late summer and fall is a popular time for BBQs, camping, and….weddings! If you’re getting married, – congratulations! But after the wedding, and the honeymoon, don’t neglect the paperwork to update your new last name. (If you’re the name changing type. And by the way, I know a few grooms who changed their name, so it can go either way!) Taking the time to update your personal identification with any name changes will help next tax season, and other government applications, go a lot smoother.

Here are three places you’ll need to update before doing your income tax return next tax season:

  1. Your Social Insurance Card – If you’re going to change your name, update your SIN information before completing your income tax return. This will ensure your name, SIN and tax return are properly associated. For information on how to change your last name, visit the Service Canada website.
  2. The Canada Revenue Agency – In addition to updating the name on your social insurance number, you should also inform the Canada Revenue Agency of your name change. The Canada Revenue Agency will associate your information with that of your new spouse, so that they can identify shared tax credits between you and your spouse, such as dependant credits, if necessary. To inform the Canada Revenue Agency of your name change, visit their website.
  3. Your Provincial or Territorial Government – You’ll also want to make sure your name has been updated with your provincial or territorial government. Each province and territory will have a list of items that will need to be updated with your new name – such as your health card. Visit your provincial or territorial website for more information on the process to change your last name after marriage.