2023 TurboTax® Canada Tips

What Andrew Pettitt Made This Year

TurboTax Canada
March 16, 2023 | 3 Min Read
Updated for tax year 2022

We asked Canadian Customers “What did you make this year?”

This year entrepreneur Andrew Pettitt made people happy by creating memories and lifetime experiences up in the Yukon.

When it comes to starting a business and different creative projects, Andrew enjoys the entire process which is fueled by his love for creating and building things.

His main side hustle is Overland Yukon, a jeep rental business that supplies vehicles, rooftop tents, and all inclusive camping gear. Andrew also works a corporate 9-5, owns Airbnbs, and does consulting contract work at Yukon University. 

What made you pull the trigger for this business?

“I think what made me decide to go into this was just my interest for the outdoors. When I built it, it was like, nobody’s done this, I’m really developing the new model for it.” 

Andrew’s business plans had always stemmed from his passions and this one just made sense. At the time, no one in the industry had come with an idea like this. Andrew found excitement in pioneering his niche within North America. 

How has your community supported you in getting here? 

“The community in Whitehorse is very close knit. People are proud to be from Whitehorse. They’re proud to say they’re from the Yukon. And we all share that commonality. And I think when you come together and you see something that’s Yukon grown, you know, especially with business, people from around the world are able to experience the Yukon as we do on a daily basis.” 

Whitehorse is a community who are willing to put themselves out there to share and provide value to those who need it. This sense of close community has supported Andrew in getting to where he is today. 

What would you say to a person that hasn’t yet pulled a trigger on a business plan they’re passionate about? 

“You have this window from 5 pm until 1 am or 5 am until 8 am, that you can really work on your craft and figure out something that you really enjoy, whether it’s figuring it out within a community or figuring it out yourself. There’s so many resources online now, there’s so many different niches that you can jump into and that you can turn into a business.”

Andrew’s advice for someone who is stuck in their 9-5 is just to get started. Security within a day job is important, but there are other hours in the day where you can work on something you’re passionate about. Try different iterations until you find something that ignites a fire in you. 

“We’ve all got that same amount of time in a day and that timeframe is for us, so really prioritize that.” 

What do you think the risk of not pursuing that dream is? 

“Regret? If you go and ask somebody who didn’t follow their dreams if they’re at a certain point in their life, how would that have made anything different? Those conversations really kind of get introspective within what makes you happy.” 

This story is a part of a series to highlight building a life that you’re proud of and honouring the lives that people make for themselves outside of their finances.

To follow this series, click here to read the rest of the collection. 

What did you make this year? 

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